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Internal Medicine
- 101 Primary Care Case Studies : A Workbook for Clinical and Bedside Skills
- 5-Minute Clinical Consult (2017)
- 5-Minute Clinical Consult Premium (2018)
- Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
- Advancing Women in Academic STEM Fields through Dual Career Policies and Practices
- Aminoff's Neurology and General Medicine
- An American Crisis : The Growing Absence of Black Men in Medicine and Science : Proceedings of a Joint Workshop
- Ankle and Foot: Pain Medicine
- Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: Interdisciplinary Partnerships for Analytics-driven Improvements in a Post-COVID World
- Atlas of Common Pain Syndromes
- Atlas of Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery
- Behavioral Medicine : A Guide for Clinical Practice
- Big Book of Restorative Justice : Four Classic Justice and Peacebuilding Books in One Volume
- Biomedical Informatics : Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine
- Block's Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation
- COVID-19 and the Heart: A Case-Based Pocket Guide
- Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology
- Cecil Essentials of Medicine
- Chest Wall and Abdomen: Pain Medicine: A Case-Based Learning Series
- Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine
- Clinical Decision Support and Beyond : Progress and Opportunities in Knowledge-Enhanced Health and Healthcare
- Clinical Ethics : A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine
- Clinical Practice Manual for Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Clinical Precision Medicine
- Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care
- Conn's Current Therapy 2025
- Costanzo Physiology
- Current Diagnosis & Treatment : Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Endoscopy
- Current Diagnosis & Treatment : Nephrology & Hypertension
- Current Diagnosis & Treatment : Rheumatology
- Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment
- Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care 2025–2026
- Curriculum Development for Medical Education : A Six-Step Approach
- Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine
- Decision Making in Perioperative Medicine: Clinical Pearls
- Delivering Compassionate Care: A Mindfulness Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Healthcare Professionals
- Dermatology for the Primary Care Provider
- Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology
- Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints
- Dizziness and Vertigo Across the Lifespan
- Dubois' Lupus Erythematosus and Related Syndromes
- Elsevier's 2024 Intravenous Medications
- Emotion in the Clinical Encounter
- Empathy: Real Stories to Inspire and Enlighten Busy Clinicians
- Essentials of Clinical Nutrition in Healthcare
- Essentials of Nutrition in Medicine and Healthcare
- Essentials of Pain Medicine
- Evidence-Based Management of Complex Knee Injuries
- Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis
- Exploring Faculty Salary Equity at U.S. Medical Schools by Gender and Race/Ethnicity
- Ferri's Best Test
- Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2025
- First Aid for the Family Medicine Boards
- First Aid for the Medicine Clerkship
- Fishman's Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders
- Gastroparesis
- Goldman-Cecil Medicine
- Gomella and Haist’s Clinician’s Pocket Reference
- Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology
- Ham's Primary Care Geriatrics : A Case-Based Approach
- Handbook for Culturally Competent Care
- Handbook of Home Hemodialysis
- Harrison's Manual of Medicine
- Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 22nd Edition
- Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
- Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology
- Head and Neck Pathology
- Healthcare in the Arabian Gulf and Greater Middle East: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals
- Hinman's Atlas of Urologic Surgery
- Hip and Pelvis: Pain Medicine, a Case-Based Learning Series
- Histology and Cell Biology: Examination & Board Review
- How-To Guide for Active Learning
- Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine
- Hutchison's Clinical Methods
- Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Short Course
- Integrative Medicine
- Intelligent Systems in Medicine and Health: The Role of AI
- Kendig and Wilmott’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children
- Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine
- Learning Radiology : Recognizing the Basics
- Legal Medicine: Health Care Law and Medical Ethics
- Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
- Lung Cancer Rehabilitation
- Macleod's Clinical Examination
- Making Black Scientists : A Call to Action
- Manual of Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Medical Sciences
- Medical Secrets
- Medication Guide to Internal Medicine Tests and Procedures
- Merck Manuals online (professional version)
- Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine
- Netter's Integrated Review of Medicine: Pathogenesis to Treatment
- No Perfect Birth : Trauma and Obstetric Care in the Rural United States
- Nunn and Lumb's Applied Respiratory Physiology
- On Call Principles and Protocols
- Pain Management Secrets
- Patient-Centered Approach to Medical Note-Writing
- Pediatric Headache
- Pharmacotherapy Casebook : A Patient-Focused Approach
- Physical Diagnosis Secrets
- Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice
- Pocketboook of Differential Diagnosis
- Practical Guide to Interventional Pulmonology
- Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Clinical Competence
- Practical Hepatic Pathology : A Diagnostic Approach
- Practical Pulmonary Pathology : A Diagnostic Approach
- Prehospital Emergency Medicine Secrets
- Primary Care of the Solid Organ Transplant Recipient
- Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine
- Principles and Practice of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
- Principles of Pulmonary Medicine
- Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
- Pulmonary Pathology: Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology
- Pulmonary Physiology
- Quick Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2025
- Rapid Response Events in the Critically Ill
- Rapid Response Situations: Management in Adult and Geriatric Hospitalist Medicine
- Rare and Interstitial Lung Diseases
- Removing the Educational Silos : Models of Interdisciplinary and Multi-disciplinary Education
- Research Methodology in the Health Sciences: A Quick Reference Guide
- Respiratory Physiology
- Rheumatology Secrets
- Rheumatology
- Robbins & Kumar Basic Pathology
- Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
- Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy
- Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination : An Interprofessional Approach
- Sickening : How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It
- Sleep Apnea and Snoring : Surgical and Non-surgical Therapy
- Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal & Liver Disease
- Smith & Tanagho's General Urology
- Social Medicine Reader. Volume 1, Ethics and Cultures of Biomedicine
- Survey Methods for Medical and Health Professions Education : A Six-Step Approach
- Symptom to Diagnosis : An Evidence-Based Guide
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Telemedicine, Telehealth and Telepresence : Principles, Strategies, Applications, and New Directions
- Telerehabilitation in Communication Disorders and Mental Health
- Test-Taking Strategies for the USMLE STEP 2 Exam: Proven Methods to Succeed
- Theory and Practice in the Interdisciplinary Production and Reproduction of Scientific Knowledge: ID in the XXI Century
- Thoracic Imaging: The Requisites
- Travel Medicine
- Understanding Clinical Negotiation
- Understanding Health Policy : A Clinical Approach
- Zakim & Boyer's Hepatology : A Textbook of Liver Disease
- A 16-Year-Old with Hypokalemia
- A 19-Year-Old with Hemoptysis
- A 19-Year-Old with Pelvic Pain
- A 20-Year-Old with Fatigue and Fever
- A 21-Year-Old with Nausea and Vomiting
- A 22-Year-Old with a History of Cancer
- A 23-Year-Old with Dysphagia
- A 23-Year-Old with Undetectable TSH
- A 24-Year-Old with Abdominal Pain
- A 24-Year-Old with Asthma
- A 24-Year-Old with Palpitations
- A 25-Year-Old with Heart Failure
- A 25-Year-Old with Hypoglycemia
- A 25-Year-Old with Mouth Ulcers
- A 27-Year-Old with Leg Swelling
- A 27-Year-Old with Post-Partum Hemiparesis
- A 28-Year-Old Woman with Hypertension
- A 28-Year-Old with an Episodic Rash
- A 29-Year-Old with Graves' Disease and Chest Pain
- A 30-Year-Old on Vitamins
- A 31-Year-Old with Blurry Vision
- A 32-Year-Old with Fever and Abdominal Pain
- A 32-year-old with Thigh Pain
- A 33-Year-Old Woman with Recently-Treated Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- A 36-Year-Old Pregnant Woman with Hypertension
- A 37-Year-Old with Swollen Lips
- A 38-Year-Old with Altered Mental Status
- A 42-Year-Old Here for a Routine Visit
- A 42-Year-Old with Fever and Hypotension
- A 43-Year-Old with Palpitations
- A 44-Year-Old Overweight Man
- A 44-Year-Old with Altered Mental Status and Fever
- A 45-Year-Old with Asymptomatic Heart Murmur
- A 45-Year-Old with Lethargy and Confusion
- A 46-Year-Old Seeking Travel Advice
- A 47-Year-Old Woman with Pulmonary Hypertension
- A 47-Year-Old who Comes in Asking About Colon Cancer Screening
- A 48-Year-Old with Flank Pain
- A 48-Year-Old with Worsening Cough
- A 50-Year-Old with Proteinuria
- A 52-Year-Old Man with Fever and Chills
- A 53-Year-Old with an Elevated Hematocrit
- A 54-Year-Old with Diarrhea
- A 55-Year-Old with Chest Radiographic Findings
- A 56-Year-Old Post Bone Marrow Transplant Patient
- A 56-Year-Old with Frostbite
- A 57-Year-Old with Chest Discomfort
- A 57-Year-Old with Hematemesis
- A 58-Year-Old with End-Stage Renal Disease
- A 60-Year-Old with Headache
- A 62-Year-Old with Chest Pain and Dyspnea
- A 63-Year-Old with Confusion
- A 63-Year-Old withA Sepsis
- A 63-Year-Old withA Skin Lesion
- A 64-Year-Old with GI Bleed
- A 64-Year-Old with Shortness of BreathAnd Orthopnea
- A 64-Year-Old withA Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
- A 65-Year-Old with Falls
- A 65-Year-Old with Fever and Cough
- A 65-Year-Old with Joint Pain
- A 65-Year-Old with Low Back Pain
- A 65-Year-Old with an Elevated Blood Pressure
- A 67-Year-Old with a Painful Right Knee
- A 68-Year-Old Man with Weakness
- A 68-Year-Old with Dyspnea
- A 68-Year-Old with Hypertension
- A 72-Year-Old with Fever and Dyspnea
- A 72-Year-Old with an Elevated Gamma Gap
- A 73-Year-Old with Dyspnea
- A 75-Year-Old with Abdominal Pain and Nausea
- A 75-Year-Old with Hypotension
- A 77-Year-Old with Weight Loss
- A 78-Year-Old with Diarrhea
- A 78-Year-Old with a Diarrhea (newer version)
- A Young Woman Found Down (podcast)
- Abdominal Pain
- Abdominal Paracentesis : Harrison's Internal Medicine
- Acid-Base Abnormalities
- Acute Diarrhea
- Acute Kidney Injury
- An 82-Year-Old with Diarrhea (Podcast)
- An 84-Year-Old with Severe Headaches (Podcast)
- Anemia
- Approach to Acute Back Pain
- Approach to Dyspnea
- Approach to Joint Pain
- Approach to Pneumonia
- Approach to Rheumatologic Diseases
- Assessment of Gait
- Asthma & Social Determinants of Health
- Back Pain
- Bartholin's Gland - Marsupialization
- Bartholin's Gland Cyst Word Catheter
- Bleeding Disorders
- COVID-19
- Carbon Dioxide 1: Alveolar Ventilation
- Carbon Dioxide 2: Dead Space
- Carbon Dioxide 3: CO2 Transport in Blood
- Careers in Infectious Diseases
- Careers in Rheumatology
- Cellulitis
- Cerumen Removal
- Chest Pain
- Cough, Fever and Respiratory Complaints
- Cough
- Cranial Nerves
- Cryosurgery
- Delirium
- Detailed Examination of the Head and Neck: Eyes, Visual Fields, and Visual Acuity
- Detailed Examination of the Head and Neck: Neck
- Detailed Examination of the Head and Neck: Nose and Sinuses, Lips, Mouth, Teeth, Tongue, and Pharynx
- Detailed Examination of the Head and Neck: Skull, Scalp, Face, TMJ and Salivary Glands
- Dizziness
- Dyspnea
- Dysuria
- Edema
- Examination of the Appendicular Skeleton: Lower Limb
- Examination of the Appendicular Skeleton: Upper Limb
- Examination of the Axial Skeleton
- Examination of the Breast and Nipples
- Examination of the Comatose Patient
- Examination of the Head and Neck: Ears, Hearing, and Labyrinthine Function
- Examination of the Lymph Nodes
- Fatigue
- Feedback Control of Ventilation
- Female Catheterization
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Geriatrics Overview
- Goals of Care Conversations
- Headache
- Hematuria
- Hospital-Acquired Infections
- Hypercalcemia
- Hyponatremia
- Hypotension
- Injection - Shoulder
- Intrauterine Pressure Catheter Insertion
- Introduction and the General Physical Examination Relevant to Neurology
- Introduction to Bedside Ultrasound
- Irrigation of the Eye
- Jaundice or Abnormal Liver Enzymes
- Joint Pain
- Knee Arthrocentesis : Tutorial
- Knee Exam (no.2)
- Knee Injection
- Lung Mechanics 1: Lung Volumes and Basic Anatomy
- Lung Mechanics 2: The Ventilation Cycle
- Lung Mechanics 3: Compliance
- Lung Mechanics 4: Airway Resistance
- Lung Mechanics 5: Missing PEEP Audio
- Lung Mechanics 6: Clinical Spirometry
- Male Catheterization
- Male Genitourinary Exam
- Mental Status
- Neural Control of Breathing
- Neurologic Exam: The Cranial Nerves
- Neurologic Exam: The Motor Exam and Reflexes
- Neurologic Screening Exam
- Oxygenation 1: Introduction
- Oxygenation 2: The Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
- Oxygenation 3: Alveolar Oxygen Transfer
- Oxygenation 4: Ventilation-Perfusion Matching
- Oxygenation 5: The Alveolar-Arterial (PA-a) Gradient
- Paracentesis
- Phlebotomy : Tutorial
- Phlebotomy
- Pulmonary Blood Flow
- Pulmonary Fundamentals
- Punch Biopsy (General Surgery)
- Punch Biopsy
- Rash
- Screening Physical Examination
- Screening Tests
- Sensory
- Sore Throat
- Syncope: Transient Loss of Consciousness
- Thoracentesis : Clinical ProcedureTutorial
- Thoracentesis
- Trigger Point Injection
- Unintentional Weight Loss
- Urethral Catheterization: Female
- Urethral Catheterization: Male
- Uterine Aspiration
- Video Library of Gait Disorders
- Wheezing and Stridor
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