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UW Libraries February Update 2025

Don’t you just LOVE February? We do, because February means the launch of the annual IHeartUWLibraries” Student Video Contest — check it out (and maybe win $1,000!). There’s also LOVE DATA WEEK, a great opportunity to take advantage of free workshops and events that can help level up your data skills. And don’t miss the chance to learn from distinguished experts through events on AI bias, citizen journalism and labor studies, and podcasting for public scholarship. There’s a lot to love this month! Happy February, Huskies! Promotional image for student video contest

Featured Resources

Black History Month 2025: In honor of Black History Month, take a moment to explore some of the incredible history-makers and historical resources that celebrate the incredible contributions of Black leaders, academics and artists who have made an impact in our community, and the world.

NEW! The WTO Footage Digitization Project is a groundbreaking collection featuring hundreds of hours of rarely seen footage from the WTO protests, collected by activists on the ground. The footage is part of a new online resource that also includes digitized archival materials from a rich collection at the UW Libraries and the WTO History Project, making the history of the protests accessible to scholars, students, and the public.

NEW! In response to user requests, UW Libraries is providing trial access to Hispanic American Newspapers (1808-19080) and Rand Daily Mail 1902-1985, reporting on South Africa from the Boer Wars to the apartheid era. Trial access ends February 29, 2025. The databases are also linked from the A-Z Databases List’.

News and Stories

2025 IHeartUWLibraries Video Contest ! Calling all content creators, UW Libraries fans, storytellers, amateur AND expert videographers — all level of expertise and interest are invited to compete in this annual contest to create a 1-minute video that highlights all there is to love (and learn) at the Libraries. First place prize is $1,000! Submissions are due April 4, 2025.

Michael Biggins, UW Affiliate Professor; Slavic, Baltic, and East European Studies Librarian, was recently honored with the prestigious 2024 VTIS Award by the Društvo VTIS (Society of Slovenes Educated Abroad.

Community Events & Exhibits

Wednesday, Feb. 5: Thursday, Feb. 13: Tuesday, Feb. 25:
  • From IndyMedia to Citizen Journalism: Media, Democracy, and the Legacy of the WTO Protests– Join us at MOHAI to celebrates the launch of the WTO Footage Digitization Project with a special keynote address by Jill Freidberg, co-founder of the Independent Media Center, participant in the 1999 Seattle WTO protests, and filmmaker to discuss the role IndyMedia played in warning against the dangers of media consolidation and shaping citizen journalism as we know it today.

Learning Workshops

Monday, Feb. 10 - Friday, Feb. 14:

Monday, Feb. 10:

Poster for Hacking the Academy

  • Hacking the Academy: Fireside Chat with Professor Emily M. Bender. Join us in the OSC and online for conversation with Professor, author and podcaster,  Emily M. Bender, as she discusses the creation of her podcast, “Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000” with Dr. Alex Hanna. Discover the process behind producing a podcast that critically explores AI and its societal impact, all while engaging listeners in accessible, thought-provoking conversations

Tuesday, Feb. 11:

Tuesday, Feb. 18:

  • Introduction to Podcasting. Curious about starting a podcast? Join us for Introduction to Podcasting at the UW Open Scholarship Commons! In this online workshop, you’ll create a podcast intro, share and listen to others’ projects in a supportive environment, and learn practical tips for recording high-quality audio.

Thursday, Feb. 20:

Look ahead
