February 8, 2022

New Book! Fresh Banana Leaves: Healing Indigenous Landscapes through Indigenous Science

In her book Fresh Banana Leaves: Healing Indigenous Landscapes through Indigenous Science, UW Indigenous environmental scientist Dr. Jessica Hernandez considers the limitations of Western conservationism, and asks that we look to Indigenous people for their knowledge and perspective on environmental issues. A great book to read alongside this year’s Common Book, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants, you will find Fresh Banana Leaves in both print and electronic format in our library catalog.

Read an interview with Dr. Hernandez in Teen Vogue: Decolonizing Conservation: Native Communities Know How to Protect Nature.

Other UW Resources

Pollution is Colonialism — "Max Liboiron models an anticolonial scientific practice aligned with Indigenous concepts of land, ethics, and relations to outline the entanglements of capitalism, colonialism, and environmental science."—Provided by publisher.


The Medicine Wheel: Environmental Decision-Making Process of Indigenous Peoples— "The goal of this book is to lay the context for how to connect Western science and Indigenous knowledge frameworks to form a holistic and ethical decision-making process for the environment" —Provided by publisher.

INHABITANTS: Indigenous Perspectives on Restoring our World — "INHABITANTS is a feature documentary that follows five Native American Tribes across deserts, coastlines, forests, and prairies as they restore their traditional land management practices." —Provided by Publisher

Indigenous Wellness Research Institute — Their mission: "To support the inherent rights of Indigenous peoples to achieve full and complete health and wellness by collaborating in decolonizing research and knowledge building and sharing."

Indigenous Speaker Series — Co-sponsored by UW’s EarthLab, Northwest Indian College hosts this series of lectures by Indigenous students, faculty, and other academic community members sharing aspects of their cultural lives with respect to a variety of environmental topics including food sovereignty, climate change, and Indigenous knowledge.