The Health Library NW (HLIB-NW) List was created by Maryanne Blake and Michael Boer. It debuted in November 1993 with 80 charter members. Current list managers are Patricia Devine (devine@uw.edu) and Michael Moore (mtmoore@uw.edu). The HLIB-NW List is now maintained by the University of Washington Health Sciences Library. It is unmoderated but you must subscribe in order to post to the list.
What is the Purpose of the HLIB-NW List?
The HLIB-NW List exists to facilitate communications among the health sciences library and information community in the Pacific Northwest. It provides a forum for discussing practical, theoretical, and philosophical issues and for exchanging advice, information, ideas, and resources of interest to its intended audience. The Washington Medical Librarians Association (WMLA) and the Pacific NW Chapter of the Medical Library Association (PNC/MLA) use the list to make announcements as well.
Appropriate uses of the HLIB-NW List include, but are not limited to, publicizing regional meetings, classes, and other educational offerings; making announcements of regional interest, including job postings; sharing information and resources, and asking for advice from colleagues. The HLIB-NW List is not intended for advertisements by publishers, software producers, or other vendors, however discussions and questions about products and services initiated by list subscribers are appropriate.
Subscribe to HLIB-NW
Subscribe to HLIB-NW by filling out form at https://mailman13.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/Hlib-nw.
To post a message to all the list members, send email to hlib-nw@u.washington.edu.