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Course Reserves

"e.g., Stevenson or NURS 301"

The Health Sciences Library provides course reserves support for the six Health Sciences schools: Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, and Social Work. Whether requesting print titles to place on our open Reserves shelves, placing purchase requests for required course materials, or requesting streaming media for your students, please use the appropriate request forms to attain the needed resources for your classes. For all other requests, (i.e., suggestions for materials not needed for a specific course but not found in the UW Libraries Search) please use our Purchase Request form.


Using Course Reserves

Please use the UW Libraries Course Reserves Request Form to place physical materials on reserves at HSL. You will also use this form to request required print and electronic course books that UW does not currently own. Remember to select Health Sciences in the appropriate category of the online form. When ordering new textbooks for classes, we will purchase eBooks, unless it is not available electronically, or you specifically request print. Due to budgetary constraints, preference will be given to resources required for your course.

Requests are processed in the order in which they are received; turnaround time varies depending on the volume of requests and other factors. To ensure your materials are available to students when the academic quarter begins, please submit your course reserves requests at least three to four weeks before the start of the quarter. HSL’s busiest times are the two weeks before the quarter begins as well as the first two weeks of classes.

Instructors’ personal copies of books may be placed on reserves at the owner’s risk; personal copies will be returned at the end of the quarter.

Many films needed for courses are available in physical format in UW Libraries. If UW does not own a film required for your course, or you are teaching an online-only class, you may use the HSL Streaming Media Request Form to request film titles for purchase. Due to budgetary constraints, we may not be able to purchase all requested titles. Preference will be given to items required for class. We encourage you to use streaming services available at Seattle Public Library and King County Library System, whenever possible.

For guidance regarding copyright and streaming media, please refer to the UW Libraries Video & Streaming Video: Using Streaming Video in Courses guide.

For more information, please contact Health Sciences Library Reserves.

How do I find Course Reserves?

Physical reserves are located on our self-serve course reserves shelves on HSL’s third floor. Materials are arranged alphabetically by department/course number. Most newly acquired course reserves eBooks are added to HSL’s Books page on our library website but, you can also use UW Libraries search, set to “Course Reserves,” to locate the resource in our catalog. Search by title, instructor’s last name, or course number.

Can I check out print Course Reserves?

Many students choose to use course reserves in-library in fact, some reserves will have a Library Use Only label, but if the instructor has made the item available for checkout, the selected loan period will display on the call number spine label.


When checking out a course reserves book, remember to pay attention to the due date and time, as late fees for course reserves are stiff to ensure they are returned on time in fairness to other students who may need the item. Return course reserves items directly to the Info Desk, to have staff check-in items right away.

Overdue fines for course reserves are $2.50, charged hourly—up to 10 hours ($25.00 max). After 10 hours, the billing fee is an additional $30.00 (Lost Item fee). After 11 hours overdue, the item is considered lost, and the replacement cost is $150.00 or more. These late fees for course reserves apply to any loan period between 2 hours and 3 days.

Please note, we don’t allow back-to-back checkouts of course reserves books, so that other students can access the resource.

If you have further questions, please contact HSL’s Information Desk at 1-206-543-3390.
