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Health Sciences Library Collections Review

November 2021 Update: The final list of journal cancellations is available on the Subscription Review 2022 guide. Thank you for your feedback and for your understanding as the UW Libraries endeavor to refine the collection while remaining on budget.

Due to the pace of serials cost inflation and to prepare for the possibility of a flat or decreased budget for collections in the 2021-22 fiscal year, the University of Washington Libraries is planning to cancel some journals and other subscriptions. In preparation, Librarians and Libraries staff are providing this list of subscription journal titles for your feedback and more information about what to expect.

This is not a shortlist of titles tagged for cutting: being on the list does not mean that a journal is at an increased risk of being cut. The Health Sciences Collection Team decided to list the health sciences journals that aren’t part of packages so that we could gather feedback on them to include in the decision-making process. We want to keep the cuts as low-impact as possible. By letting us know which ones are important to your practice and research, you’re helping us prioritize the ones that are used by the UW Health Sciences community.

We invite the UW Health Sciences community to explore the list and identify any journal subscriptions you consider essential to your teaching or research. (by either scrolling through the alphabetical list or using Control + F (Mac: Command + F) to find a particular title) and then click on the Submit Feedback link to the right of that title. Your feedback will be collected from May 3rd through May 31st, 2021. See the Health Sciences Library Collections Feedback guide or the UW Libraries' Subscription Review 2020 - 2021 for more details and updates.

Please note that submitting a comment does not guarantee that we will be able to keep the resource. Librarians will evaluate each title based on your feedback, their knowledge of the discipline and departments, as well as usage and impact metrics, cost, and value. If a journal you need remains on the cancellation list, we are committed to continuing to work with you to provide an alternative path to access the resources you need.

If you are unable to open the feedback form, the most likely cause is that Google Forms did not recognize you as affiliated with the UW. To correct the issue, please activate G Suite for your UW account (if not already activated) and then sign in to Google with your UW credentials before clicking the link to Submit Feedback again.

Thank you for your time.

Health Sciences Library
UW Libraries
