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HSL’s Summer Reading Display

This quarter's Reading Nook display highlights Environmental Health. It was curated by a student employee who studies Environmental Science & Terrestrial Resource Management with a focus on wildlife conservation. An HSL staff member created the accompanying artistic piece made from found recycled materials.

Some standouts from this curated print collection include:

   This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate by Naomi Klein. A critical look at how political systems and the global economy have had a devastating effect on how we deal with the climate crisis.



   Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver by Mary Oliver. Collected poems of Mary Oliver whose work heavily focused on observations in the natural environment. Deeply poignant and moving, this is recommended for any poetry or nature lover.



  Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash by Edward Humes. In this investigative look on the relationship Americans have with trash, Humes dives deep into how humans dispose of things, and how that relationship might be changing for the better.



   Letters To a Young Scientist by Edward O. Wilson. A scientist whose fields spanned from sociobiology, ecology, and entomology, this book highlights the importance of passion and creativity in the sciences.


The Environmental Health display will be up through all of Summer quarter!
