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Operations Updates

HSL is open to current UW students, faculty and staff. A valid Husky Card is required for entry.

UPDATED: 11/27/2024

For more information about other UW Libraries buildings, visit the UW Libraries Operations Updates Page.

Learning Commons Lab/Testing Center Renovation

What is happening?

The HSL Learning Commons Lab is receiving an upgrade as part of the Magnuson Health Sciences Center renovation project that’s affecting several floors of the T-Wing. As part of this, all furniture, computers, and equipment from the Learning Commons Lab area and its classrooms have been remove, and the area will remain blocked off during construction. Third floor bathrooms in the library are still accessible to users.

There may be construction-related noise during this time frame. However, we will do our best to inform everyone about the impact as we get information from the construction crews.

When is it happening?

Construction began in May 2024 and is anticipated to last through Summer 2025.

Can HSL host computer-based exams during the renovation?

During construction, we have set up a small lab on the second floor in room T216 that can accommodate up to 20 users for computer-based exams. For rental information and link to the reservation form, see the Learning Commons Lab page.

When not in use for exams or other events, the space can be used as drop-in space.

What will it look like?

The proposed floor plan of the renovated testing center includes two large testing areas, a student lounge, a study area, a conference room, and smaller testing areas.

Proposed floor plan for the renovated Commons Computer Lab in the UW Health Sciences Library

Renderings of the entryway and student lounge have been provided, but the designs are not finalized. Actual appearance may vary.

Rendering of an open area with tables and chairs.
Rendering of the new entry area showing tables and seating areas.

Related Information

There is a notice on the Learning Commons Lab page for users of that space, and updates will continue to be available on this page.

Additionally, for those interested, we have the History of the Commons page, which walks through the many changes to the Learning Commons Lab space from the 1980s through the present.


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Usage & Access

UW users may access HSL by tapping their Husky card on the card reader at the 2nd floor entrance (T-227) or via the 3rd floor entrance during open hours.

UW Health Sciences students with after-hours access can continue to enjoy this privilege. See the FAQ page for more information.

If you need assistance accessing HSL, call the Information Desk at (206) 543-3390 from the 2nd floor of HSL and staff will assist you.

The HSL 2nd floor is reserved for quiet study. The HSL 3rd floor can be used for collaborative group work.

Visitors with UW borrower cards can access online resources at guest stations where Husky Cards are not required for library entry. Items can be requested for pick up at a UW Libraries hold shelf using the "Request UW Item" button in UW Libraries Search.


Masks are optional in the Health Sciences Library. See the EHS face covering policy for masking requirements in the UW Medical Center and other facilities.

Users can request a face mask from the HSL Information Desk.

Winter/Spring Interim Hours

March 22 - March 30

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
(Desk Hours: 9:00 am - 5:50 pm)
Saturday - Sunday