Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence.


Films & Podcasts
Youth Testimony: This is How to Address Me (and Much More) : Guidance from a Young Transgender Person. (2014 video, 18 min.) This instructional video, by the American Academy of Pediatrics, is about how to address, listen to and empathize with transgender people.
What Motherhood Means to Transgender Advocate Octavia Lewis. 2022 podcast, NY public radio transcript.
Body Dissatisfaction and Mental Health of Youth Receiving Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy. 2019 video, 5 min. American Academy of Pediatrics.
Local Resources
Gender Justice League. Gender Justice League is a Washington State gender and sexuality civil and human rights organization based in Seattle, Washington.
Ingersoll Gender Center. Ingersoll Gender Center has been building community, connecting folks to resources, and advocating for our communities in the Puget Sound region for over four decades.
Gender Identity in the Workplace: Policies for Supporting Transgender, Non-Binary and Gender Diverse Employees. King County Department of Human Resources 2021 PDF.
2017 King County Trans Resource & Referral Guide. In English and Spanish.