Videos in category Anatomy & Physiology
- ANS 1: Overview
- ANS 2: Sympathetic Nervous System
- ANS 3: Parasympathetic Nervous System
- Acid-Base Physiology 1: Fundamentals
- Acid-Base Physiology 2: Renal Mechanisms
- Acid-Base Physiology 3: Simple Acid-Base Disorders
- Acid-Base Physiology 4: Clinical Examples
- Action Potentials and Chemical Synapses
- Adrenal Gland Overview
- Adrenal Insufficiency
- Adrenal Medulla
- Aldosterone
- Anatomy of Cardiac Muscle and the Conducting System
- Anatomy of the Scalp
- Anemia and Polycythemia
- Anterior Thoracic Wall - Structure
- Auditory System 1: Basic Anatomy Nature of Sound
- Auditory System 2: Sound Transduction and Auditory Pathways
- Back Muscles
- Blood Clotting 1: Platelets
- Blood Clotting 2: Coagulation
- Blood Clotting 3: Anticoagulation and Fibrinolysis
- Brain Extracellular Fluids
- Breast Anatomy and Incisions [Zollinger's 9 ed.]
- Calcium Handling
- Calcium and Phosphate Balance
- Carbon Dioxide 1: Alveolar Ventilation
- Carbon Dioxide 2: Dead Space
- Carbon Dioxide 3: CO2 Transport in Blood
- Cardiac Action Potentials
- Cardiac Cycle 1: Wiggers Diagram
- Cardiac Cycle 2: Heart Sounds
- Cardiac Cycle 3: Valvular Abnormalities
- Cardiac Output 1: Definitions and Tools
- Cardiac Output 2: Preload and Afterload
- Cardiac Output 3: Ventricular Contractility
- Cardiovascular Fundamentals
- Cellular Neuroscience 1: Types of Neurons and Glia
- Cellular Neuroscience 2: Neuronal Circuits
- Composition of Blood
- Control Mechanisms in GI Physiology
- Cortisol
- Dermatomes
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diarrhea
- Diffusion Potentials and Nernst Equation
- Diuretics
- ECF Volume 1: Low Effective Circulating Volume
- ECF Volume 2: High Effective Circulating Volume
- ECF Volume 3: Darrow-Yannet Diagrams
- ECG 1: Lead Systems and Waveforms
- ECG 2: The Mean Electrical Axis
- ECG 3: Abnormal Heart Rhythms
- Endocrine Functions of the Kidney
- Endocrine Pancreas: Glucagon, Amylin, Somatostatin
- Endocrine Pancreas: Insulin
- Endocrinology of Pregnancy
- Enteric Motility 1: Slow Waves
- Enteric Motility 2: Review of Motility Patterns in the Fed State
- Enteric Motility 3: Interdigestive Motility and Vomiting
- Establishment of Pregnancy
- Exocrine Pancreas
- Factors Affecting Hormone Concentration
- Feedback Control of Ventilation
- Fundamentals of Sensory Neurophysiology
- General Principles of Endocrinology
- Glomerular Filtration 1: The Filtration Barrier
- Glomerular Filtration 2: Determinants of GFR
- Glomerular Filtration 3: Control of GFR
- Growth Hormones
- Hematopoiesis
- Hepatic Portal System (anatomy lecture)
- Hindgut (anatomy lecture)
- Homeostasis and the Internal Environment
- Homeostatic Regulation of Body Mass
- Hypercortisolism and Hyperaldosteronism
- Innervation of the GI Tract (anatomy lecture)
- Integrative Functions 1: Overview and Hypothalamus
- Integrative Functions 2: Body Temperature Regulation
- Integrative Functions 3: Circadian Rhythms
- Integrative Functions 4: Reticular Formation and Diffuse Modulatory Systems
- Integrative Functions 5: Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Sleep
- Integrative Functions 6: The Limbic System
- Integrative Functions 7: Learning and Memory: Language and Speech
- Introduction to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Endocrine Axis
- Large Intestine
- Liver 1 Overview and Assessment of Liver Functions
- Liver 2: Structure and Function
- Liver 3: Bile Formation
- Liver 4: Bile Pigments
- Lung Mechanics 1: Lung Volumes and Basic Anatomy
- Lung Mechanics 2: The Ventilation Cycle
- Lung Mechanics 3: Compliance
- Lung Mechanics 4: Airway Resistance
- Lung Mechanics 5: Missing PEEP Audio
- Lung Mechanics 6: Clinical Spirometry
- Maternal Adaptations to Pregnancy
- Mediastinum (anatomy lecture)
- Mediastinum : Sympathetic Pathways (anatomy lecture)
- Medical Physiology of PTH and Vitamin D
- Medical Physiology of Thyroid
- Membrane Transport (Solutes)
- Menstrual Cycle
- Microcirculation, The
- Midgut (anatomy lecture)
- Motor Control of the Face
- Motor System 1: Spinal Control of Movement
- Motor System 2: Descending Motor Tracts
- Motor System 3: Cortical Control of Movement
- Motor System 4: The Cerebellum
- Myotomes (anatomy lecture)
- Neural Control of Breathing
- Neurohumoral Regulation
- Olfactory System
- Osmosis
- Overview of Abdomen, Pelvis and Perineum: Gut tube (anatomy lecture)
- Overview of Abdomen, Pelvis and Perineum: Osteology (anatomy lecture)
- Overview of GI Physiology
- Overview of Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
- Overview of Renal Structure and Function
- Overview of the Nervous System 1: Anatomy and Terminology
- Overview of the Nervous System 2: Major CNS Structures and Embryology
- Overview of the Nervous System 3: Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain
- Overview of the Nervous System 4: The Peripheral Nervous System
- Overview of the Upper Limb: Brachial Plexus (anatomy lecture)
- Overview of the Upper Limb: Osteology (anatomy lecture)
- Oxygenation 1: Introduction
- Oxygenation 2: The Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
- Oxygenation 3: Alveolar Oxygen Transfer
- Oxygenation 4: Ventilation-Perfusion Matching
- Oxygenation 5: The Alveolar-Arterial (PA-a) Gradient
- Parathyroid Hormone
- Parturition and Lactation
- Posterior Pituitary
- Potassium Balance
- Puberty
- Pulmonary Blood Flow
- Pulmonary Fundamentals
- Quantifying Tubular Function
- Red Blood Cell Indices
- Regional Circulations
- Renal Clearance
- Renal Sodium Handling
- Reproductive Embryology
- Resting Membrane Potential
- Review of Female Reproductive Structure and Function
- Review of Male Reproductive Structure and Function
- Review of Signal Transduction
- Saliva
- Serous Membranes of the Abdominal Cavity (anatomy lecture)
- Sexual Responses and Fertilization
- Skeletal Muscle 1: Structure and Function
- Skeletal Muscle 2: Neuromuscular Junction
- Skeletal Muscle 3: Excitation-Contraction Coupling
- Skeletal Muscle 4: Muscle Mechanics
- Skull and Cranial Fossa (anatomy lecture)
- Small Intestine 1: Structure and Motility
- Small Intestine 2: Fluid Absorption and Secretion
- Small Intestine 3: Calcium and Iron Absorption
- Small Intestine 4: Carbohydrates and Proteins
- Small Intestine 5: Fat Absorption and Malabsorption
- Small Intestine 6: Vitamins
- Smooth Muscle
- Somatosensory System 1: Fine Touch and Proprioception
- Somatosensory System 2: Temperature and Pain Sensation
- Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves (anatomy)
- Splanchnic Circulation
- Stomach 1: Structure and Function
- Stomach 2: Gastric Acid Secretion
- Stomach 3: Negative Feedback Control of Gastric Function
- Swallowing and Esophagus
- Taste Sensation
- Thyroid Hormone Synthesis and Secretion
- Urea, Mg and Phosphate Handling
- Urine Concentration and Dilution 1: Antidiuretic Hormone
- Urine Concentration and Dilution 2: Countercurrent Multiplication and Exchange
- Urine Concentration and Dilution 3: The Collecting Duct
- Vascular Function 1: Overview
- Vascular Function 2: Blood Pressure Determinants
- Vascular Function 3: Venous Return
- Vascular Function 4: Using Vascular Function Curves
- Vertebral Column (anatomy lecture)
- Vestibular System
- Visual System 1: Anatomy of the Eye
- Visual System 2: Basic Optics
- Visual System 3: The Retina, Phototransduction and Color Vision
- Visual System 4: Eye Movements and Binocular Vision
- Visual System 5: Autonomic Innervation of the Eye
- Visual System 6: The Visual Pathway
- Vitamin D, Calcitonin and Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)-23
- Weak Androgens
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