- Essential Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Essential Orthopaedics
- Essential Surgery: Problems, Diagnosis and Management
- Essentials of Athletic Injury Management
- Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics
- Essentials of Clinical Nutrition in Healthcare
- Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health
- Essentials of Equipment in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Peri-Operative Medicine
- Essentials of Managing Public Health Organizations
- Essentials of Men’s Health
- Essentials of Modern Neuroscience
- Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Imaging
- Essentials of Nutrition in Medicine and Healthcare
- Essentials of Pain Medicine
- Essentials of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Essentials of Psychiatry in Primary Care: Behavioral Health in the Medical Setting
- Essentials of Radiology
- Essentials of Spinal Cord Medicine
- Establishing a Research-Friendly Environment: A Hospital-Based Approach
- Ethical Challenges for Healthcare Practices at the End of Life: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- Ethical Considerations When Preparing a Clinical Research Protocol
- Ethical Research Approaches to Indigenous Knowledge Education
- Ethics and Professionalism for Healthcare Managers
- Ethics in Physical Therapy: A Case-Based Approach
- Ethics Rounds: a Casebook in Pediatric Bioethics
- Evaluation in Today's World : Respecting Diversity, Improving Quality, and Promoting Usability
- Evidence Based Physical Therapy
- Evidence-Based Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice
- Evidence-Based Infectious Diseases
- Evidence-Based Management of Complex Knee Injuries
- Evidence-Based Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis
- Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research
- Evidence-Based Practice of Anesthesiology
- Evidence-Based Practice of Critical Care
- Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine
- Evidence-Based Urology
- Examining and Solving Health Disparities in the United States: Emerging Research and Opportunities
- Examining Gun Regulations, Warning Behaviors, and Policies to Prevent Mass Shootings
- Examining Special Nutritional Requirements in Disease States : Proceedings of a Workshop
- Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance
- Exoscope-Assisted Surgery in Otorhinolaryngology
- Exploring Best Child Development Practices in Contemporary Society
- Exploring Faculty Salary Equity at U.S. Medical Schools by Gender and Race/Ethnicity
- Exploring Partnership Governance in Global Health : Proceedings of a Workshop
- Eye : Basic Sciences in Practice
- Facial Trauma Surgery: From Primary Repair to Reconstruction
- Facilitating Change through Intergroup Dialogue : Social Justice Advocacy in Practice
- Faculty of Color in the Health Professions : Stories of Survival and Success
Select Book Collections
Pharmacy and toxicology textbooks, images and illustrations, self-assessment, case files, and diagnostic tools.
Physiotherapy textbooks, self-assessment, case files, and quick reference tools.
Surgery textbooks, multimedia, images, drug information, quick answers sources
Select health sciences books, journals, practice guidelines, drug information, patient handouts, and CME materials.
Physical therapy books, case studies, multimedia, reference materials, and review questions.
Medical and drug texts, including Stedman's medical dictionary.
Select Books
Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Telehealth Nursing, aligns telehealth nursing with extensive health care environmental and technological transformation. The Standards presents new thinking about telehealth as an integral component of today’s professional health care practice.
This book describes the population health concerns of small-town America and how these concerns are affected by the unique characteristics of these places focusing on the built environment.
A transdisciplinary approach to investigating relationships between biomass burning and human health outcomes.
The primary rationale for developing the present volume was to curate important knowledge and practice recommendations on addressing SUDs in diverse ethnoracial groups.