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Select Books
3D Printing at Hospitals and Medical Centers : A Practical Guide for Medical Professionals
Offers radiologists, surgeons, and other physicians a rich source of information on the practicalities and expanding medical applications of 3D printing.
Beyond Bioethics : Toward a New Biopolitics
Addresses provocative issues from an emerging standpoint that is attentive to race, gender, class, disability, privacy, and notions of democracy.
Big Fail : What the Pandemic Revealed about Who America Protects and Who It Leaves Behind
Investigates the pandemic's economic, political, and financial ramifications and the government blunders that led to the deaths of over a million Americans.
Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing
Up-to-date, concise practical applied knowledge and theoretical information about working in a person-centered way with people with intellectual disabilities.