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Resource Spotlight: ECRI Guidelines Trust: Cultural Competence Corner

ECRI Guidelines Trust: Cultural Competence Corner provides high quality resources to address health inequity issues that disproportionately affects underserved populations.

This edition provides resources for improving Cardiovascular Health in African American and Black Adults such as articles (below) and more:

  1. Improvements in Diet and Physical Activity–Related Psychosocial Factors Among African Americans Using a Mobile Health Lifestyle Intervention to Promote Cardiovascular Health: The FAITH! (Fostering African American Improvement in Total Health) App Pilot Study
  2. Impact of Technology-Based Intervention for Improving Self-Management Behaviors in Black Adults with Poor Cardiovascular Health: A Randomized Control Trial
  3. Perceptions of Heart-Healthy Behaviors among African American Adults: A Mixed Methods Study

Find articles, factsheets, statistics, and guidelines, for the support African Americans and Black Adult Cardiovascular Health at ECRI — Featured Population: African Americans and Black Adults & Featured Topic: Cardiovascular Health.

Register for a free account at ECRI Guidelines Trust to get more Evidence-based Guideline Briefs based on guidelines from participating guideline developers, medical specialty societies, and other healthcare organizations.

Additional Resources:

ECRI. (2022). ECRI Logo, Retrieved February 11,2022 from ECRI
ECRI Cultural Competence Corner logo
ECRI. (2022), Cultural Competence, Retrieved February 11,2022

Die Blutgefasse Des Menschen (1898), an antique lithograph of the human blood vessels and cardiovascular system

Rawpixel. (2022). Die Blutgefasse Des Menschen (1898), an antique lithograph of the human blood vessels and cardiovascular system. Digitally enhanced from the original plate. Retrieved February 11,2022