Men’s Health Month encourages men of all ages to make healthier lifestyle choices and to visit their doctor annually for checkups. In general, men have lower life expectancy than women and have higher rates of diseases like cancer (including prostate cancer which is unique to bodies with male reproductive organs), heart disease, and HIV. This is especially true for racial and ethnic minorities. Health organizations like the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion detail steps for men in preventing disease and taking charge of their health.


Boys' Bodies: Sport, Health and Physical Activity (2020 print)

Essentials of Men's Health (2020 eBook)

Guynecology: The Missing Science of Men's Reproductive Health (2020 print) Why are biomedical researchers only now asking questions about how men's age and bodily health affect reproductive outcomes?

Why Men’s Health? Postgraduate Medicine, 2020. It is evident that men are an important part of society and have impact on themselves, their spouses, and family. COVID-19 and MENtal Health: Addressing Men’s Mental Health Needs in the Digital World. American Journal of Men’s Health, 2021. Bad Medicine: Men's Health. British Journal of General Practice, 2019. It is difficult to raise men's health issues as society seems obsessed with the notion of "male privilege." “Wait, What Is That? A Man or Woman or What?”: Trans Microaggressions from Gynecological Healthcare Providers. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 2022 Childhood Sexual Abuse in Boys and Men: The Case for Gender-Sensitive Interventions. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2023

Other Resources
King5 News: Prescription for Life -- Men’s Health Awareness Month (17:15 min video, 2023) Right as Rain: Why Talking about Mental Health with Men Saves Lives (UW Medicine article, 2023) Men’s Health. National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus, consumer health info in both English and Spanish (last updated 2018) Gay and Bisexual Men’s Health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s information and resources page (last reviewed 2022) Men’s Health. UW Medicine’s Adult Health Library includes health screening guidelines for men by age groups (last reviewed 2023)
Image credit: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of Minority Health. (2023). Men’s Health Month Better Health Through Better Understanding. Retrieved June 27, 2023 from https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/mens-health/.