This week is Transgender Awareness Week 2023 and the Health Sciences Library has some campus resources for fellow staff and students.
Preferred Names FAQ - UW Office of the University Registrar
How-to guides for updating your preferred name and other information within the UW system.
Transgender resources for UW employees - UW Human Resources
Curated guides and policies on a range of topics, including updating your legal name, gender affirming health insurance benefits, workplace transitioning plans, and resources for managers and colleagues.
Transgender & Gender Non-Binary Health Program - UW Medicine
UW and Washington State resources for LGBTQ+ services and providers.
Gender-affirming care - Husky Health & Well-being
List of available campus resource providing gender-affirming medical and mental health care, including through Hall Health and the UW Counseling Center.
The Q Center
The Q Center is a resource, advocacy, and mentoring center that connects queer students at UW to programs, services, media, and learning and training resources. The Q Center also hosts Marsha P. Johnson Memorial Library, a community library with close to 1500 books, zines, and films.
Transgender Awareness Week - GLAAD
Links to news articles, blogs, and other resources on Transgender Awareness Week from this year and years past. GLAAD also provides curated resources in its GLAAD Transgender Media Program.
Image Credit: Transgender Awareness Week 2023. (2023). GLAAD. Retrieved November 16, 2023 from https://glaad.org/transweek.