Public Resources

The U.S. government’s website youth.GOV supports youth programs and includes information pages on a variety of topics pertaining to children and adolescents. Many of these subjects are mental health-focused and target specific groups such as children of incarcerated parents, noting issues commonly experienced by these unique groups and offering resources.

UW Resources

Read about UW’s Ecological Momentary Assessment Robot (EMAR) project, a social robot designed to interact with teens, assess their stress levels, and provide mental health support.

Latina and Latino Children's Mental Health (2011). This text examines the various factors that shape the social and behavioral development of Latinx youth and explores how their identity as ethnic minorities and sometimes immigrants may differ from the experience of African-American and European-American children.
Technology Overuse : A Step-by-Step Guide to Assessment and Treatment for Children, Adolescents, and Families (2020). In this instructional film, Dr. Melissa Westendorf discusses the relationship between technology overuse and psychological issues in children and teens and offers suggestions for treatment.
Journal article: Impact of Awareness and Concerns of Climate Change on Children's Mental Health: A Scoping Review Protocol (2020) JBI Evidence Synthesis.
Children and the Dark Side of Human Experience: Confronting Global Realities and Rethinking Child Development (2008). Dr. James Garbarino details stories of children in war zones and refugee camps and how the trauma of these experiences negatively effect both their physical and emotional development.