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Economics and human biology
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
Edinburgh journal of botany
Edinburgh mathematical notes
Education and urban society
Education for health : change in training & practice
Education for primary care
Educational and psychological measurement
Educational assessment, evaluation and accountability
Educational evaluation and policy analysis
Educational management, administration & leadership
Educational measurement : issues and practice
Educational philosophy and theory
Educational psychology review
Educational researcher : a publication of the American Educational Research Association
Educational technology research and development : ETR & D
Educational theory
Electrical engineering in Japan
Electromagnetic biology and medicine
Electronic news
Electronic structure
Electronics and communications in Japan
Emergency medicine
Emergency medicine Australasia
Emergency medicine news
Emergency Nurse New Zealand
Emergency radiology : a journal of practical imaging
Emerging economy studies
Emotion review
Empirical software engineering
Employee responsibilities and rights journal
Employment relations today
Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
Endocrine research
Endocrine reviews
Endocrine-related cancer
Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America
Endodontic topics
Energy & fuels
Energy for sustainable development
Energy storage
Energy technology : generation, conversion, storage, distribution
Enfermería nefrológica
Engineering in life sciences
Engineering research express
Engineering structures
Engineering, construction, and architectural management
English in education
English language and linguistics
English today
Enrollment management report
Enterprise & society
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata
Entomological research
Entomological revue
Entomological science
Environment and urbanization
Environment and urbanization Asia
Environment international
Environment systems & decisions
Environmental and ecological statistics
Environmental and molecular mutagenesis
Environmental biology of fishes
Environmental biosafety research
Environmental earth sciences
Environmental entomology
Environmental geochemistry and health
Environmental geology
Environmental health perspectives : EHP
Environmental law & management
Environmental microbiology
Environmental modelling & software : with environment data news
Environmental monitoring and assessment
Environmental policy and governance
Environmental pollution
Environmental practice
Environmental progress
Environmental progress & sustainable energy
Environmental quality management
Environmental research
Environmental research letters : ERL
Environmental science & policy
Environmental science & technology
Environmental science and pollution research
Environmental toxicology
Environmental toxicology and chemistry
Environmental toxicology and pharmacology
Environmental toxicology and water quality
Enzyme and microbial technology
Epidemiologia e psichiatria sociale
Epidemiologic reviews
Epidemiology and infection
Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences
Epilepsy & behavior : EB
Epilepsy research
Epileptic disorders : international epilepsy journal with videotape
Episteme : a journal of social epistemology
Equine and comparative exercise physiology
Equine veterinary education
Equine veterinary journal
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems
Escola Anna Nery
Essays in criticism
Estuaries and coasts
Ethics & international affairs
Ethnicity & health
European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience
European biophysics journal
European business organization law review
European child & adolescent psychiatry
European constitutional law review : EuConst
European diabetes nursing
European eating disorders review
European environment
European finance review
European financial management
European food research & technology
European heart journal
European heart journal Acute cardiovascular care
European heart journal cardiovascular imaging
European heart journal Cardiovascular pharmacotherapy
European heart journal Quality of care & clinical outcomes
European heart journal supplements
European journal of ageing
European journal of anaesthesiology
European journal of applied physiology
European journal of archaeology
European journal of cancer
European journal of cancer care
European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP)
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery
European journal of cardiovascular nursing
European journal of cell biology
European journal of clinical investigation
European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases
European journal of clinical nutrition
European journal of clinical pharmacology
European journal of dental education
European journal of echocardiography
European journal of education
European journal of emergency medicine
European journal of endocrinology
European journal of epidemiology
European journal of forest research
European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology
European journal of general practice
European journal of haematology
European journal of heart failure
European journal of human genetics
European journal of immunogenetics
European journal of immunology
European journal of inorganic chemistry
European journal of integrative medicine
European journal of internal medicine
European journal of international law = Journal européen de droit international
European journal of international security
European journal of lipid science and technology
European journal of medical genetics
European journal of medicinal chemistry
European journal of neurology
European journal of neuroscience : EJN
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
European journal of nutrition
European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
European journal of oncology nursing
European journal of oral sciences
European journal of organic chemistry
European journal of orthodontics
European journal of paediatric neurology
European journal of pain
European journal of pain supplements
European journal of palliative care
European journal of pediatrics
European journal of personality
European journal of pharmaceutical sciences
European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics
European journal of pharmacology
European journal of philosophy
European journal of phycology
European journal of physics
European journal of physiotherapy
European journal of plant pathology
European journal of population = Revue européenne de démographie
European journal of preventive cardiology
European journal of probation
European journal of protistology
European journal of psychology of education = Journal européen de psychologie de l'education
European journal of radiology
European journal of risk regulation : EJRR
European journal of social psychology
European journal of social theory
European journal of surgical oncology
European journal of trauma
European journal of trauma and emergency surgery
European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery
European law journal
European management review
European neurology
European neuropsychopharmacology
European physical education review
European physical journal H
European psychiatry
European radiology
European radiology supplements
European respiratory journal
European review
European sociological review
European spine journal
European stroke journal
European surgery = Acta chirurgica Austriaca
European transactions on electrical power
European urban and regional studies
European urology
European urology supplements
Europhysics letters
Evaluation & the health professions
Evaluation review
Evidence-based child health : a Cochrane review journal
Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine
Evidence-based dentistry