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MCN, the American journal of maternal child nursing
Medical & biological engineering & computing
Medical and pediatric oncology
Medical and veterinary entomology
Medical care
Medical care research and review : MCRR
Medical clinics of North America
Medical decision making
Medical devices & sensors
Medical dosimetry
Medical education
Medical engineering & physics
Medical environment update
Medical history
Medical hypotheses
Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences & Health Services
Medical law international
Medical law review
Medical mycology
Medical physics
Medical records briefing
Medical reference services quarterly
Medical staff briefing
Medical teacher
Medical ultrasonography
MEDICC review
Medicinal chemistry research
Medicinal research reviews
Medicine & science in sports & exercise
Medicine : the continuously updated review of clinical medicine
Medicine on the net
Medicine, science, and the law
Medicolegal news
Melanoma research
Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada
Memory & cognition
Memory studies
Men and masculinities
Mendeleev communications
Mental health and physical activity
Mental health nursing
Mental health services research
Mental health weekly
Mental health, religion & culture
Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews
Metabolic brain disease
Metabolic engineering
Metabolism, clinical and experimental
Metal powder report
Metal science and heat treatment
Metallomics : integrated biometal science
Metallurgical and materials transactions A, Physical metallurgy and materials science
Metallurgical and materials transactions B, Process metallurgy and materials processing science
Meteoritics & planetary science
Meteorological applications
Meteorology and atmospheric physics
Methods and applications in fluorescence
Methods in ecology and evolution / British Ecological Society
MeĢdecine et maladies infectieuses
Microbes and infection
Microbial ecology
Microbial pathogenesis
Microbiology and immunology
Microscopy and microanalysis
Microscopy research and technique
Microscopy today
Microsystem technologies : sensors, actuators, systems integration
Microvascular research : MVR
Microwave and optical technology letters
Middle East journal of cancer
Middle East policy
Midwest studies in philosophy
Migration studies
Mikrochimica acta
Military medical research
Military medicine
Military psychology
Millennial Asia : an international journal of Asian studies
Millennium : journal of international studies
Milton quarterly
Mind & language
Mind, brain and education : the official journal of the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society
Minds and machines : journal for artificial intelligence, philosophy, and cognitive science
Mineralium deposita
Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society
MMWR Recommendations and reports
MRS bulletin