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- SA journal of radiology
- Safety science
- Sankhyā Series A
- Sankhyā Series B
- Sarcoma
- Scandinavian audiology
- Scandinavian journal of caring sciences
- Scandinavian journal of clinical & laboratory investigation
- Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology
- Scandinavian journal of immunology
- Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports
- Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy
- Scandinavian journal of pain
- Scandinavian journal of primary health care
- Scandinavian journal of psychology
- Scandinavian journal of public health
- Scandinavian journal of rheumatology
- Scandinavian journal of social medicine
- Scandinavian journal of statistics
- Scenario
- Schizophrenia bulletin / National Institute of Mental Health
- Schizophrenia research
- School psychology international
- Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
- Science & education
- Science & justice : journal of the Forensic Science Society
- Science & sports
- Science and engineering ethics
- Science and public policy
- Science and technology of advanced materials
- Science China Materials
- Science education
- Science Immunology
- Science in context
- Science news
- Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care
- Science, technology & society : an international journal devoted to the developing world
- Science, technology, & human values
- Scottish journal of theology
- Screen
- Second language research
- Security and privacy
- Sedimentology
- Seed science research
- Seizure : the journal of the British Epilepsy Association
- Selecta mathematica
- Semiconductor science and technology
- Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism
- Seminars in arthroplasty
- Seminars in cancer biology
- Seminars in cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia
- Seminars in cell & developmental biology
- Seminars in colon & rectal surgery
- Seminars in diagnostic pathology
- Seminars in dialysis
- Seminars in fetal & neonatal medicine
- Seminars in hematology
- Seminars in immunology
- Seminars in immunopathology
- Seminars in nephrology
- Seminars in nuclear medicine
- Seminars in oncology
- Seminars in ophthalmology
- Seminars in pediatric neurology
- Seminars in pediatric surgery
- Seminars in perinatology
- Seminars in radiation oncology
- Seminars in roentgenology
- Seminars in spine surgery
- Seminars in surgical oncology
- Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
- Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery Pediatric cardiac surgery annual
- Seminars in ultrasound, CT, and MRi
- Seminars in vascular surgery
- Sensors update
- Separation science plus
- Set-valued analysis
- Set-valued and variational analysis
- Sex roles
- Sexual & reproductive healthcare
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual addiction & compulsivity : the journal of treatment and prevention
- Sexual and gender diversity in social services
- Sexual and relationship therapy
- Sexual health & compulsivity
- Sexual medicine reviews
- Sexual plant reproduction
- Sexuality & culture
- Sexuality and disability
- Sexuality research & social policy : journal of NSRC : SR & SP
- Sexuality, gender & policy
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Shakespeare quarterly
- Shock waves
- Short courses in paleontology
- Shoulder & elbow
- Signal transduction
- Significance
- Simulation
- Simulation & gaming
- Simulation in healthcare : the journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare
- Single molecules
- Skeletal radiology
- Skin research and technology
- Slavic review
- Sleep
- Sleep & breathing : international journal of the science and practice of sleep medicine
- Sleep and biological rhythms
- Sleep medicine
- Sleep medicine clinics
- Sleep medicine reviews
- Sleep science and practice
- Small : nano micro
- Small Methods
- Small structures
- Small-scale forestry
- Smart materials and structures
- Smith College studies in social work
- SN Operations Research Forum
- Social anthropology : the journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists = Anthropologie sociale
- Social change
- Social choice and welfare
- Social compass
- Social currents
- Social development
- Social forces
- Social history of medicine
- Social indicators research
- Social issues and policy review
- Social justice research
- Social marketing quarterly
- Social philosophy and policy
- Social policy & administration
- Social policy and society
- Social problems
- Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology
- Social psychological & personality science
- Social psychology of education
- Social psychology quarterly
- Social science & medicine
- Social science history : official journal of the Social Science History Association
- Social science information
- Social science Japan journal
- Social science quarterly
- Social studies of science
- Social work
- Social work in health care
- Social work in public health
- Social work research
- Social work with groups
- Society
- Society and culture in South Asia
- Society and mental health
- Sociologia ruralis
- Sociological forum
- Sociological inquiry
- Sociological methodology
- Sociological methods & research
- Sociological perspectives
- Sociological theory
- Sociology : the journal of the British Sociological Association
- Sociology of education
- Sociology of health and illness
- Sociology of religion
- Software focus
- Software process improvement and practice
- Software testing, verification & reliability
- Software, practice & experience
- Solar physics
- Solar RRL
- Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance
- Somatic cell and molecular genetics
- Somatosensory & motor research
- Sonography
- Sophia
- South Asia research
- South Asian journal of human resources management
- South Asian survey : a journal of the Indian Council for South Asian Cooperation
- South Pacific journal of psychology
- Southern journal of applied forestry
- Southern medical journal
- Space policy
- Space science reviews
- Space weather quarterly
- Spanish journal of legal medicine
- Special care in dentistry
- Special events galore!
- Special publication / Paleontological Society
- Speech, language, and hearing
- Spermatogenesis
- Spinal cord / the official journal of the International Medical Society of Paraplegia and the International Spinal Cord Society
- Spine
- Spine-affiliate society meeting abstracts
- Sports engineering
- Sports health
- Sports medicine
- Sports medicine and arthroscopy review
- Sports technology
- Springer science reviews
- Starch
- Stat
- State & local government review
- Statistica Neerlandica
- Statistical analysis and data mining
- Statistical methods & applications : SMA
- Statistical methods in medical research
- Statistical modelling
- Statistics in medicine
- Statute law review
- Steel construction : design and research
- Steel research international
- Stem cell reviews
- Stem cell reviews and reports
- Stem cells
- Stem cells and development
- Steroids
- Strabismus
- Strahlentherapie und Onkologie
- Strain
- Strategic change
- Strategic entrepreneurship journal
- Strategic management journal
- Strategic organization
- Strategies for health care compliance
- Stress and health
- Stress medicine
- Stroke
- Structural and multidisciplinary optimization
- Structural chemistry
- Structural concrete : journal of the FIB
- Structural control & health monitoring
- Structural health monitoring
- Structure
- Student affairs today
- Studia linguistica
- Studia logica
- Studies in Christian ethics
- Studies in comparative international development
- Studies in East European thought
- Studies in ethnicity and nationalism
- Studies in family planning
- Studies in geology / University of Tennessee, Department of Geological Sciences
- Studies in philosophy and education
- Studies in religion = Sciences religieuses
- Studies in second language acquisition
- Substance abuse
- Substance use & misuse
- Successful fund raising
- Suicide and life-threatening behavior
- Superconductor science & technology
- Superlattices and microstructures
- Support for learning
- Supportive care in cancer
- Surface and interface analysis
- Surface topography : metrology and properties
- Surgery
- Surgery for obesity and related diseases
- Surgical and radiologic anatomy
- Surgical clinics of North America
- Surgical endoscopy : ultrasound and interventional techniques
- Surgical infections
- Surgical innovation
- Surgical laparoscopy & endoscopy
- Surgical laparoscopy endoscopy & percutaneous techniques
- Surgical oncology
- Surgical oncology clinics of North America (Online)
- Surgical pathology clinics
- Surgical practice