- R & D management
- Race & class
- Race and social problems
- Radiation and environmental biophysics
- Radiation oncology investigations
- Radiation physics and chemistry
- Radiation protection dosimetry
- Radio science
- Radiocarbon
- Radiographics
- Radiography
- Radiologic clinics of North America
- Radiologic technology
- Radiology
- Radiology today : the biweekly newsmagazine for radiologic science professionals
- Radiotherapy and oncology
- RAIRO, operations research
- Random structures & algorithms
- Ratio
- Ratio juris
- Re/views in environmental science and bio/technology
- Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters
- Reaction kinetics, mechanisms and catalysis
- Reading
- Reading and writing
- Reading research quarterly
- Real-time systems
- Recherche et applications en marketing
- Recherche et applications en marketing (English edition)
- Recruiting & retaining adult learners
- Refugee survey quarterly
- Regional anesthesia and pain medicine
- Regional environmental change
- Regulated rivers
- Regulation & governance
- Regulatory peptides
- Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology
- Rehabilitation counseling bulletin
- Rehabilitation nursing
- Rehabilitation process and outcome
- RELC journal
- Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire / Section d'hygiène du Secrétariat de la Société des Nations = Weekly epidemiological record / Health Section of the Secretariat of the League of Nations
- Religion
- Religion and American culture
- Religious studies
- Religious studies review
- Remedial and special education
- Remediation
- Renaissance quarterly
- Renaissance studies
- Renal failure
- Renal Society of Australasia journal
- Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo
- Renewable & sustainable energy reviews
- Renewable energy
- Reports of patent, design, and trade mark cases
- Reports on progress in physics
- Reproduction : the official journal of the Society for the Study of Fertility
- Reproduction and contraception
- Reproduction in domestic animals
- Reproductive biomedicine online
- Reproductive health matters
- Reproductive sciences
- Reproductive toxicology
- Res publica
- Research and theory for nursing practice
- Research chronicle
- Research Directions: Quantum Technologies
- Research evaluation
- Research in astronomy and astrophysics
- Research in autism spectrum disorders
- Research in developmental disabilities
- Research in engineering design
- Research in gerontological nursing
- Research in higher education
- Research in microbiology
- Research in nursing & health
- Research in science education
- Research in veterinary science
- Research methods in medicine & health sciences
- Research on aging
- Research on chemical intermediates
- Research on social work practice
- Research synthesis methods
- Research world
- Residential treatment for children & youth
- Resource geology
- Respiratory care : the official journal of the American Association for Respiratory Therapy
- Respiratory investigation
- Respiratory medicine
- Respiratory physiology & neurobiology
- Respirology
- Restoration ecology : the journal of the Society for Ecological Restoration
- Resultate der Mathematik = Mathematical results
- Resuscitation
- Retina
- Rev RENE
- Review and expositor
- Review of accounting studies
- Review of asset pricing studies
- Review of behavioral finance
- Review of educational research
- Review of European Community & international environmental law
- Review of European, comparative & international environmental law
- Review of industrial organization
- Review of international studies
- Review of market integration
- Review of Middle East studies
- Review of public personnel administration
- Review of religious research
- Review of research in education
- Review of urban & regional development studies : RURDS
- Reviews in aquaculture
- Reviews in clinical gerontology
- Reviews in endocrine and metabolic disorders
- Reviews in fish biology and fisheries
- Reviews in medical microbiology
- Reviews in medical virology
- Reviews in religion and theology
- Reviews of geophysics
- Revista baiana de enfermagem
- Revista brasileira de anestesiologia
- Revista brasileira de enfermagem
- Revista brasileira de fisioterapia
- Revista brasileira de ortopedia
- Revista ciencias de la salud
- Revista Cuidarte
- Revista de atencao primaria a saude
- Revista de psiquiatria y salud mental
- Revista de psiquiatrí́a y salud mental
- Revista Enfermagem Atual in Derme
- Revista internacional de seguridad social
- Revista internacional del trabajo
- Revista latino-americana de enfermagem = Latin American journal of nursing
- Revista portuguesa de cardiologia
- Revue canadienne des sciences de l'administration = Canadian journal of administrative sciences
- Revue de droit uniforme
- Revue de Métallurgie – International Journal of Metallurgy
- Revue de synthèse
- Revue internationale de sécurité sociale
- Revue internationale du travail
- Revue romane
- Rheumatic diseases clinics of North America
- Rheumatology
- Rheumatology international
- Ricerche di matematica
- Risk analysis
- Risk management and insurance review / American Risk and Insurance Association
- River research and applications
- Rivista italiana di scienza politica
- Robotica
- Rock mechanics and rock engineering
- Royal Institute of Philosophy supplement
- Rural sociology
- Russian chemical bulletin
- Russian chemical reviews
- Russian journal of ecology
- Russian journal of marine biology
- Russian journal of organic chemistry
- Russian journal of plant physiology
- Russian linguistics
- Russian mathematical surveys