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- Ibis
- Icarus
- Ichthyological research
- ICSID review
- IDS bulletin / IDS Sussex
- IDS practice paper
- IDS research report
- IEEJ transactions on electrical and electronic engineering
- IFLA journal
- Il Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica D, Condensed matter, atomic, molecular and chemical physics, biophysics
- ILAR journal / National Research Council, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources
- IMA journal of mathematical control and information
- Imaging decisions
- Immunity
- Immuno-analyse & biologie spécialisée
- Immunobiology
- Immunogenetics
- Immunologic research
- Immunological investigations
- Immunological reviews
- Immunology
- Immunology and allergy clinics of North America
- Immunology and cell biology
- Immunology letters
- Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology
- Immunotherapy insights
- Implant dentistry : ID, the international journal of oral implantation
- In practice
- In session : psychotherapy in practice
- In vitro cellular & developmental biology Animal
- In vitro cellular & developmental biology Plant
- Independent nurse
- Index on censorship
- India quarterly
- Indian heart journal
- Indian journal of community medicine : official publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine
- Indian journal of gender studies
- Indian journal of medical microbiology
- Indian journal of palliative care
- Indian journal of pediatrics
- Indian journal of physiotherapy and occupational therapy
- Indian journal of sexually transmitted diseases
- Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India
- Indo-Iranian journal
- Indoor + built environment
- Indoor air
- Industrial & engineering chemistry
- Industrial & engineering chemistry fundamentals
- Industrial & engineering chemistry process design and development
- Industrial & engineering chemistry product research and development
- Industrial & engineering chemistry research
- Industrial and corporate change
- Industrial and organizational psychology
- Industrial law journal
- Industrial relations
- Industrial relations journal
- Infancy
- Infant
- Infant and child development
- Infant mental health journal
- Infant, child & adolescent nutrition : ICAN
- Infants and young children
- Infection
- Infection control and hospital epidemiology
- Infection international
- Infection, disease & health
- Infectious disease clinics of North America
- Infectious diseases in clinical practice : IDCP
- Inflammation
- Inflammation research
- Inflammatory bowel diseases
- Informatics for health & social care
- Information and inference : a journal of the IMA
- Information retrieval
- Information systems journal
- Information technology & management
- Information technology and libraries
- Information visualization
- Inhalation toxicology
- Injury
- Injury extra
- InnovAiT
- Innovations : technology and techniques in cardiothoracic and vascular surgery
- Innovations in clinical neuroscience
- Innovative higher education
- Inorganic chemistry
- Inquiry
- Insect biochemistry and molecular biology
- Insect conservation and diversity
- Insect molecular biology
- Insect science
- Insect systematics and diversity
- Insectes sociaux
- Insight
- Insight : the journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses
- Instructional science
- Instruments and experimental techniques
- Integrated environmental assessment and management
- Integrative and comparative biology
- Integrative biology
- Integrative zoology
- Intellectual and developmental disabilities
- Intelligent industrial systems
- Intelligent systems in accounting, finance and management : International Journal
- Intensive and critical care nursing
- Intensive care medicine
- Interchange
- Interface science
- Internal medicine journal
- International affairs
- International anesthesiology clinics
- International archives of occupational and environmental health
- International area studies review
- International cardiovascular research journal
- International clinical psychopharmacology
- International data privacy law
- International dental journal
- International diabetes nursing
- International endodontic journal
- International family planning perspectives
- International finance
- International forum of allergy & rhinology
- International health
- International immunology
- International immunopharmacology
- International insolvency review
- International journal : Canada's journal of global policy analysis
- International journal for human caring
- International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics
- International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering
- International journal for numerical methods in engineering
- International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- International Journal of Limnology
- International review of education = Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft = Revue internationale de pédagogie
- International review of finance : the journal of the Nippon Finance Association and the Asian Pacific Finance Association
- International review of hydrobiology
- International review of mission
- International review of psychiatry
- International review of the Red Cross
- International review of victimology
- International reviews of immunology
- International small business journal
- International social science journal
- International social work
- International sociology
- International statistical review = Revue internationale de statistique
- International studies perspectives
- International studies quarterly
- International studies review
- International transactions in operational research
- International transactions on electrical energy systems
- International Turfgrass Society research journal
- International zoo yearbook
- Internationale Revue für soziale Sicherheit
- Internet technology letters
- Interpretation
- Intervention : international journal of mental health, psychosocial work, and counselling in areas of armed conflict
- Intervention in school and clinic
- Interventional cardiology clinics
- Invasive plant science and management
- Inventiones mathematicae
- Inverse problems
- Invertebrate biology
- Invertebrate neuroscience
- Investigación y educación en enfermería : revista de la Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad de Antioquia
- Investigational new drugs
- Investigative radiology
- IOP conference series Earth and environmental science / Institute of Physics
- IOP conference series Materials science and engineering / Institute of Physics
- IPPR progressive review
- Iranian journal of cancer prevention
- Iranian journal of child neurology
- Iranian journal of public health
- Iranian studies : bulletin of the Society for Iranian Cultural and Social Studies
- Iraq
- Irish historical studies : joint journal of the Irish Historical Society and the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies
- Irish journal of medical science
- Irish journal of psychological medicine
- Irrigation and drainage
- Irrigation science
- ISBT science series
- Israel journal of chemistry
- Israel law review
- ISRN cardiology
- ISRN dermatology
- ISRN endocrinology
- ISRN hematology
- ISRN neurology
- ISRN nursing
- ISRN oncology
- ISRN orthopedics
- ISRN pathology
- ISRN pediatrics
- ISRN urology
- Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing
- Issues in law & medicine
- Issues in mental health nursing
- Itinerario
- ITNow
- IUBMB life
- Izvestiya Atmospheric and oceanic physics / Russian Academy of Sciences