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Ichthyological research
ICSID review
IDS bulletin / IDS Sussex
IDS practice paper
IDS research report
IEEJ transactions on electrical and electronic engineering
IFLA journal
Il Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica D, Condensed matter, atomic, molecular and chemical physics, biophysics
ILAR journal / National Research Council, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources
IMA journal of mathematical control and information
Imaging decisions
Immuno-analyse & biologie spécialisée
Immunologic research
Immunological investigations
Immunological reviews
Immunology and allergy clinics of North America
Immunology and cell biology
Immunology letters
Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology
Immunotherapy insights
Implant dentistry : ID, the international journal of oral implantation
In practice
In session : psychotherapy in practice
In vitro cellular & developmental biology Animal
In vitro cellular & developmental biology Plant
Independent nurse
Index on censorship
India quarterly
Indian heart journal
Indian journal of community medicine : official publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine
Indian journal of gender studies
Indian journal of medical microbiology
Indian journal of palliative care
Indian journal of pediatrics
Indian journal of physiotherapy and occupational therapy
Indian journal of sexually transmitted diseases
Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India
Indo-Iranian journal
Indoor + built environment
Indoor air
Industrial & engineering chemistry
Industrial & engineering chemistry fundamentals
Industrial & engineering chemistry process design and development
Industrial & engineering chemistry product research and development
Industrial & engineering chemistry research
Industrial and corporate change
Industrial and organizational psychology
Industrial law journal
Industrial relations
Industrial relations journal
Infant and child development
Infant mental health journal
Infant, child & adolescent nutrition : ICAN
Infants and young children
Infection control and hospital epidemiology
Infection international
Infection, disease & health
Infectious disease clinics of North America
Infectious diseases in clinical practice : IDCP
Inflammation research
Inflammatory bowel diseases
Informatics for health & social care
Information and inference : a journal of the IMA
Information retrieval
Information systems journal
Information technology & management
Information technology and libraries
Information visualization
Inhalation toxicology
Injury extra
Innovations : technology and techniques in cardiothoracic and vascular surgery
Innovations in clinical neuroscience
Innovative higher education
Inorganic chemistry
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology
Insect conservation and diversity
Insect molecular biology
Insect science
Insect systematics and diversity
Insectes sociaux
Insight : the journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses
Instructional science
Instruments and experimental techniques
Integrated environmental assessment and management
Integrative and comparative biology
Integrative biology
Integrative zoology
Intellectual and developmental disabilities
Intelligent industrial systems
Intelligent systems in accounting, finance and management : International Journal
Intensive and critical care nursing
Intensive care medicine
Interface science
Internal medicine journal
International affairs
International anesthesiology clinics
International archives of occupational and environmental health
International area studies review
International cardiovascular research journal
International clinical psychopharmacology
International data privacy law
International dental journal
International diabetes nursing
International endodontic journal
International family planning perspectives
International finance
International forum of allergy & rhinology
International health
International immunology
International immunopharmacology
International insolvency review
International journal : Canada's journal of global policy analysis
International journal for human caring
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering
International journal for numerical methods in engineering
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
International Journal of Limnology
International review of education = Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft = Revue internationale de pédagogie
International review of finance : the journal of the Nippon Finance Association and the Asian Pacific Finance Association
International review of hydrobiology
International review of mission
International review of psychiatry
International review of the Red Cross
International review of victimology
International reviews of immunology
International small business journal
International social science journal
International social work
International sociology
International statistical review = Revue internationale de statistique
International studies perspectives
International studies quarterly
International studies review
International transactions in operational research
International transactions on electrical energy systems
International Turfgrass Society research journal
International zoo yearbook
Internationale Revue für soziale Sicherheit
Internet technology letters
Intervention : international journal of mental health, psychosocial work, and counselling in areas of armed conflict
Intervention in school and clinic
Interventional cardiology clinics
Invasive plant science and management
Inventiones mathematicae
Inverse problems
Invertebrate biology
Invertebrate neuroscience
Investigación y educación en enfermería : revista de la Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad de Antioquia
Investigational new drugs
Investigative radiology
IOP conference series Earth and environmental science / Institute of Physics
IOP conference series Materials science and engineering / Institute of Physics
IPPR progressive review
Iranian journal of cancer prevention
Iranian journal of child neurology
Iranian journal of public health
Iranian studies : bulletin of the Society for Iranian Cultural and Social Studies
Irish historical studies : joint journal of the Irish Historical Society and the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies
Irish journal of medical science
Irish journal of psychological medicine
Irrigation and drainage
Irrigation science
ISBT science series
Israel journal of chemistry
Israel law review
ISRN cardiology
ISRN dermatology
ISRN endocrinology
ISRN hematology
ISRN neurology
ISRN nursing
ISRN oncology
ISRN orthopedics
ISRN pathology
ISRN pediatrics
ISRN urology
Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing
Issues in law & medicine
Issues in mental health nursing
IUBMB life
Izvestiya Atmospheric and oceanic physics / Russian Academy of Sciences