- H & G Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten
- Haemophilia
- Hague journal on the rule of law : HJRL
- Hand clinics
- Hand therapy
- Harmful algae
- Harvard health letter
- Harvard review of psychiatry
- Harvard women's health watch
- Hayāt
- Head & neck
- Headache : the journal of head and face pain
- Health
- Health & place
- Health & social care in the community
- Health & social work
- Health and social care chaplaincy
- Health care analysis
- Health care for women international
- Health care management review
- Health care management science
- Health economics
- Health economics, policy and law
- Health education & behavior
- Health education journal
- Health education research
- Health expectations
- Health governance report
- Health information and libraries journal : the official journal of the Health Libraries Group of the Library Association
- Health physics : the radiation safety journal
- Health policy
- Health progress
- Health promotion international
- Health promotion journal of Australia : official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals
- Health promotion practice
- Health services & outcomes research methodology
- Health services insights
- Health services research : HSR
- Health sociology review
- Health, risk & society
- Health, Spirituality and Medical Ethics
- Healthcare : the journal of delivery science and innovation
- Healthcare informatics : the business magazine for information and communication systems
- Healthcare leadership review / COR Healthcare Resources
- Healthcare life safety compliance
- Healthcare policy
- Healthcare risk management
- Hearing research
- Hearing, balance and communication
- Heart & lung
- Heart failure reviews
- Heart rhythm
- Heart, lung & circulation
- Heart, lung and vessels
- Heat transfer
- Heat transfer - Asian research
- Heat transfer, Japanese research
- Hegel bulletin
- Helicobacter
- Helvetica chimica acta
- Hematological oncology
- Hematology and cell therapy
- Hematology/oncology clinics of North America
- Hemodialysis international / the official journal of the International Society for Hemodialysis
- Hemoglobin
- Hemşirelikte eğitim ve araştırma dergisi
- Hepatology research
- Heredity
- Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery
- Heteroatom chemistry
- High power laser science and engineering
- Higher education
- Higher education abstracts
- Higher education for the future
- Higher education quarterly
- HIM briefings
- Hippocampus
- Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences
- Histochemistry and cell biology
- Histopathology
- Historia mathematica
- Historical archaeology
- Historical research
- History of psychiatry
- HIV medicine
- HLA : immune response genetics
- Holistic nursing practice
- Holocaust and genocide studies
- Home health care management & practice
- Home health care services quarterly
- Home healthcare nurse
- Hong Kong journal of occupational therapy
- Horizons
- Hormone research in pædiatrics : from developmental endocrinology to clinical research
- Hormones : international journal of endocrinology and metabolism
- Hormones and behavior
- Hospital access management
- Hospital case management : the monthly update on hospital-based care planning and critical paths
- Hospital topics
- Hospitals & health networks
- Human behavior and emerging technologies
- Human brain mapping
- Human cell
- Human ecology
- Human factors : the journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
- Human factors and ergonomics in manufacturing
- Human fertility
- Human gene therapy
- Human gene therapy Clinical development
- Human gene therapy Part B Methods
- Human genetics
- Human heredity
- Human immunology
- Human Microbiome Journal
- Human molecular genetics
- Human movement science
- Human mutation
- Human nature : an interdisciplinary biosocial perspective
- Human pathology
- Human psychopharmacology : clinical and experimental
- Human relations
- Human reproduction
- Human reproduction update
- Human resource development quarterly / sponsored by the American Society for Training and Development
- Human resource development review : HRD review
- Human resource management
- Human resource management journal
- Human rights law review
- Human rights review
- Human service organizations, management, leadership & governance
- Human studies
- Humanity & society
- Human_ontogenetics
- Hydrobiologia
- Hydrogeology journal
- Hydrological processes
- Hypatia : a journal of feminist philosophy
- Hypatia Reviews Online
- Hyperfine interactions
- Hypertension
- Hypertension in pregnancy : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
- Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension