- Pharmaceutical biology
- Pharmaceutical development and technology
- Pharmaceutical research
- Pharmaceutical statistics
- Pharmaceutical technology
- PharmacoEconomics - open
- Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety
- Pharmacogenetics
- Pharmacogenetics and genomics
- Pharmacological research
- Pharmacological reviews
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacology & therapeutics
- Pharmacology & toxicology
- Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior
- Pharmacotherapy : official journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- Pharmacy and pharmacology communications
- Pharmacy practice
- Pharmazie in unserer Zeit
- Philosophia
- Philosophia mathematica
- Philosophical books
- Philosophical investigations
- Philosophical issues
- Philosophical studies
- Philosophy
- Philosophy & public affairs
- Philosophy & technology
- Philosophy and phenomenological research
- Philosophy of science
- Philosophy of the social sciences
- Photochemical & photobiological sciences
- Photochemistry and photobiology
- Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine
- Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy
- PhotonicsViews
- Photosynthesis research
- Photosynthetica
- Phycological research
- Physica medica
- Physica status solidi A, Applications and materials science : PSS
- Physica status solidi A, Applied research : PSS
- Physica status solidi B, Basic research : PSS
- Physica status solidi C
- Physica status solidi Rapid research letters : PSS-RRL
- Physical & occupational therapy in geriatrics
- Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics
- Physical biology
- Physical medicine & rehab coding alert
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America