- Plant science
- Plant species biology
- Plant systematics and evolution = Entwicklungsgeschichte und Systematik der Pflanzen
- Plant, cell & environment
- Planta
- Plasma chemistry and plasma processing
- Plasma physics and controlled fusion
- Plasma physics reports
- Plasma processes and polymers
- Plasma research express PREX
- Plasma science & technology
- Plasma sources science and technology
- Plasmas and polymers
- Plasmid : a journal of molecular genetics with emphasis on plasmid biology
- Plastic and reconstructive surgery : Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
- Plastics engineering
- Platelets
- PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation
- Point of care
- Polar biology
- Polar record
- Policing : a journal of policy and practice
- Policy insights from the behavioral and brain sciences
- Policy sciences
- Policy studies journal
- Polity
- Polymer bulletin
- Polymer composites
- Polymer crystallization
- Polymer engineering and science
- Polymer international
- Polymer journal
- Polymers for advanced technologies
- Population and development review
- Population and environment
- Population ecology
- Population research and policy review
- Population, space and place
- Postgraduate medical journal
- Postgraduate medicine
- Potato research
- Powder diffraction
- Powder technology
- PPS alert for long-term care
- Practical diabetes
- Practical diabetes international
- Practice nursing
- Pregnancy hypertension
- Prehospital and disaster medicine
- Prehospital emergency care